An e-statement (electronic statement) is a digital version of a bank or financial statement that is made available to a customer through online banking, email, or a mobile app instead of being sent in paper form. It provides detailed information about an individual's or business's transactions, balances, and other account-related activities.

- Customer will received Account Statement (Monthly) on registered Mail ID
- Register your E-mail ID with your bank account.
- Download Adobe Reader app from Play Store to open PDF File.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is e-Statement?
e-Statement is an electronic version of your paper statement.
Is there a fee for using the e-Statement Service?
No, e-Statement is a FREE service to all Pune peoples bank
How do I register for the e-Statement service?
Fill and submit the form, available at all Pune People's Bank branches.
How will I know if my registration has been confirmed?
A welcome message will be sent to your registered email address
after successful registration of the Service.
Do I need to enter my password when viewing my e-Statement?
Yes. Your password is required whenever you want to open the
e-Statement attachment that is sent to your mailbox.
Can I receive e-Statements for multiple accounts?
Yes, you can register for e-Statements for multiple accounts with
Pune Peoples Bank. Simply specify the accounts when you register
for the service.
Can I change the frequency of receiving my e-Statements?
Yes, you can change the frequency of your e-Statements (daily,
weekly, monthly, or quarterly) by submitting a request at your
branch. You may be required to fill out a new form to update your
Will I continue receiving paper statements if I opt for e-Statements?
Once you register for e-Statements, you will stop receiving
paper statements unless you specifically request paper copies from the bank.