Safe Locker Facility
Pune People's Bank Keep your valuables safe and secure with the Safe Deposit Locker facility. Designed for convenience and security, our lockers ensure peace of mind for safeguarding your precious belongings.

- Safe Deposit Locker service is an ancillary facility provided exclusively to our customers.
- Branches offering lockers are equipped with high-security features and specially built strong rooms.
- Locker facility is available in over 20 branches, with a wide range of locker sizes and convenient locations.
- Extended banking hours for accessing lockers.
- Nomination facility available for added security and convenience.
- Lockers can be hired by individuals, limited companies, associations, and trusts.
- Fees and Charges
Fees and Charges:
- Locker rental rates vary based on branch location and locker size.
- Annual rent for lockers has been revised; visit your locker branch for detailed information.
- Rent is charged annually and must be paid in advance.
Sr.No. | Document | Files |
1 | Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Lockers for Customers PDF | View |
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the relationship between bank and the locker holder?
Who is eligible for lockers?
What documents are to be obtained for allotment of locker?
On what basis locker is allotted to the customers?
To whom revised guidelines issued by RBI are applicable to?
Is it mandatory for the existing locker holders to execute revised locker agreement?
Who will retain the original Agreement?
Does licensee/locker holder hold the right to terminate the locker Agreement?
Who is permitted to operate the locker?
Can locker facility be extended to Visually Impaired persons?
- The locker facility may be offered to visually impaired person in his single name and allotting the locker in joint names would not be insisted upon. However, the locker licensee will open the locker with the use of the allotted key and the branch officials will not offer any assistance for this purpose, other than using the master key for opening of the locker and locating the locker.
- In case, the locker licensee desires to avail the help of third party in operating the locker, it is allowed by branch with proper records. However, before allowing the locker licensee, the details of the third party such as name, address, relationship with the locker licensee etc. alongwith KYC documents should be recorded in the locker register. A confirmation should also be obtained from the locker licensee regarding the identity of the third party and that the access to third party is at the full risk and responsibility of such Licensee.
Are the customers intimated about the operation of the locker?
Are customers informed about the events such as merger/closure/shifting of branch warranting physical relocation of the lockers?
Can Branches insist on Term Deposits from Locker Holders?
If locker rent is collected in advance, in the event of surrender of a locker by a customer, can the advance rent paid be refunded?
Do we have nomination in Locker Facility?
What if a customer does not want to appoint a nominee?
What is the time limit for settlement of death claims?
What is customer’s liability in case he / she loses the key?
Does bank provide insurance of locker contents to the customer?
How many Locker operations are free?
Is licensee bound to use locker in a certain manner?
A Licensee is bound to keep and on termination of the hiring to restore, the Locker in as good a condition as it was at the time when he was put in possession thereof.
A Licensee is bound to allow the Bank officials at all reasonable times during the term, to inspect the condition of the Locker and give or leave notice of any defect in such condition and when such defect has been caused by any act or default on the part of the Licensee, he/she is bound to make it good.
On the termination of the license agreement, a Licensee is bound to put the Bank into possession of the Locker along with surrendering the key thereof.
A Licensee is duty bound not to transfer or assign or sublet the Locker or the benefit thereof. A Licensee is bound to notify to the Bank any change in his address for communication.
What are the fields for which licensee is bound not to use locker for?
A Licensee is bound not to use the Locker for deposit of any unlawful or stolen property or goods which are of hazardous, destructive or dangerous nature.
The license to use the locker granted is not for storing arms, weapons, explosives, drugs and/or any contraband material and/or any perishable material and/or radioactive material and/or any illegal substance; and/or any material which can create any hazard or nuisance to the bank or to any of its customers.
Does customer hold any other right than to use to Property?
What are Bank’s Liability?
Bank has the responsibility to ensure that incidents like fire, theft/burglary/robbery, dacoity and building collapse do not occur in the banks premises due to its own shortcomings, negligence and by any act of omission/commission. As bank cannot claim that they bear no liability towards their customers for loss of contents of the locker, in instances where loss of contents of locker are due to incidents mentioned above or attributable to fraud committed by its employee(s), the bank’s liability shall be for an amount equivalent to one hundred times the prevailing annual rent of the safe deposit locker.
However, Bank shall not be liable for any loss or damage to the contents of the locker arising from natural calamities or Acts of God like earthquake, floods, lightning and thunderstorm or any act that is attributable to the sole fault or negligence of the customer.