Cheque Book Issue Charges (Auto)

Sr.No. Description Charges (Rs.)
Cheque Book Charges
1 Saving - 2 per cheque leaf
2 CA/CC - 2 per cheque leaf
3 PDC for Financial Institutions* 15 per cheque leaf

Stop Payment Charges (All a/cs with cheque book facilities)

Sr.No. Description Charges (Rs.)
1 Cheque 150 per cheque leaf
2 Debit ECS 250 per ECS

Cheque / ECS Return Charges (Auto)

Sr.No. Description Charges (Rs.)
Inward Outward
1 Saving A/c and ECS 200 100
2 Current A/c and ECS 500 300
3 Cash Credit 500 300
4 Counter Cheque Return 100 100
No any charges taken from customer for return of cheque due to technical reason.

Duplicate Pass Book / Statement/Certificate new

Sr.No. Description Charges (Rs.)
1 Savings & Recurring (Current Financial Year) 15 per computer page
2 Savings & Recurring (Previous Year/s) 40 per computer page
3 Current / Cash Credit(Current Financial Year) 40 per computer page
4 Current / Cash Credit (Previous Financial Years) 40 per computer page
5 Share Certificate 50 per share certificate of 100 and for 100 above 2% of share certificate and maximum amount is not more than 1000 -As per Byelaw
6 Cheque transaction Image/information NIL
7 Deposit Receipt NIL

Charges for Closure of a/c before 12 Months (Auto)

Sr.No. Description Charges (Rs.)
1 Savings Within 3 month ₹ 200.00 before 12 months ₹ 150.00
After 1 Year No Charges NIL
2 Recurring Within 3 month NIL before 12 months ₹ 100.00
After 1 Year No Charges NIL
3 Current Within 3 month ₹ 500.00 before 12 months ₹ 300.00
3 FD ( Within 15 Days - From Date of opening, except Auto Renewal) NIL

In Case of Token Lost

Sr.No. Description Charges (Rs.)
1 Lost Token 500 Per Token

Signature Verification

Sr.No. Description Charges (Rs.)
1 Signature Verification 150 Per Verification

Loan, Nominal Member, Share Application Form Fee

Sr.No. Description Charges (Rs.)
1 Loan Application Form Fee Loan Application - 100/-
2 Nominal Member, Share Application Form Fee Regular Share Application - 100/-
Nominal member App. - 50/-

Loan Processing Fee (Applicable on Sanction Amount.)

Sr.No. Description Charges (Rs.) Min Rs. Max
1 New Term Loans 0.40% 500 No Limit
2 New Cash Credit 0.40% 500 No Limit
3 Cash Credit Renewal (as it is) 0.35% 500 20000
4 Housing loan 0.50% 1500 15000
5 Solvency certificate 0.20% 500 5000
6 Sanctioned TOD/EOD 0.35% 500 1000
7 Education Loan (Secured/Unsecured) 0.35% 500 5000
8 Gold Loan 0.25% 100 250
10 Restructuring of credit facility 0.40% 500 3000
11 Retail loans
A Two Wheeler 0.75% 500 No Limit
B Three / Four Wheeler 0.50% 1000 15000
C Consumer Durable 1.00% 500 No Limit
D Personal 1.00% 1000 No Limit

Penal Charges in Cash Credit / Term loan (Auto)

Sr.No. Description Charges (Rs.)
1 Monthly non-submission of stock/book debts statements till 10th of the following months 2% per month on Outstanding Balance
2 Non-submission of application for renewal and review of cash credit facility/documentation non-completed before due date from the date of expiry of limit. 2% of Outstanding Balance
3 Overdrawn amount in CC accounts against clearing 2% of Outstanding Balance
4 Delay in Installments ( after due date) 2% of Outstanding Balance
5 Overdrawn amount in CC accounts over sanction limit / DP whichever is less 2% of Outstanding Balance
Note: - C/C Renewal letter to be sent to Customer before 1 month prior of the due date.

Gold Appraisal Charges

Sr.No. Description Charges (Rs.)
1 To be reimbursed to Gold Valuer As per contract agreement with Gold Valuer

Bank Guarantee and Letter of Credit (Fresh & Renewals)

Sr.No. Description Charges (Rs.)
1 Against 100% deposit 1.25% Per Year + Other Banks Commission
2 Partly secured by Term Deposit less than 100% & Remaining Security by way of Property or Machinery 2.5% Per Year + Other Banks Commission
3 For BG/LC issue by us Same as above (excluding of other bank commission)
Note:- In case of Bank Guarantees issued for a period less than 3 months, charges will be collected for a minimum period of one quarter and its multiple for additional part period.

Credit Monitoring / Visit Charges for Total Limits of Rs.10 Lac & Above (Excluding Home loans)

Sr.No. Description Charges (Rs.)
( except FD/Gold/Staff/Group loan/Debit Mandate )
1 Credit Monitoring Charges for Total Limits of Rs.10 Lac & Above (Excluding Home loans) Upto 50 lac - Rs.300 Per Quarter & Above 50 lac - Rs.500 Per Quarter
2 Below Rs.10 Lacs Charges Per Quarter through system
3 Rs. 1 lac to Rs. 2 lac Rs.75
4 Above Rs.2 lac to Rs.5 lac Rs.125
5 Above Rs.5 lac to Rs.10 lac Rs.187.5

Foreclosure Closure of Loan A/c (Excluding Housing Loans)

Sr.No. Description Charges (Rs.)
1 Foreclosure Closure of Loan A/c
(Excluding Individual Loans)
Upto 24 Month - 3%
25 Month to 48 - 2%
48 Months to 60 - 1%
Above 60 Months - Nil
2 Foreclosure Closure of Loan A/c (Individual Loans) NIL

Loan Sanction Letter Revalidation Charges (3 Month)

Sr.No. Description Charges (Rs.) Minimum
1 Revalidation Charges 0.05% Sanctioned Limit Rs.1,000/-

Remittances- Pay orders / DDs (Auto)

Sr.No. Description Charges (Rs.)
1 Pune Peoples Co-op Bank (Pay-Orders) 0.50 Per 1,000/-
Minimum - Rs.20
Maximum - Rs.1,000/-
2 HDFC/IDBI 0.50 Per 1,000/-
Minimum - Rs.20
Maximum - Rs.2,000/-
3 State Bank of India As per different slabs
4 By Cash Rs. 2.00 Per 1,000/-
Minimum - Rs.40
For SBI: - 0.05% of amount + Charges as per different slabs charge by SBI

DD / PO/ Revalidation/ Duplicate & Cancellation Charges (Auto)

Sr.No. Description Charges (Rs.)
1 HDFC /SBI & other Banks Upto 1,500 – Charges 50
Above 1,500- Charges 100
2 Pay Order Upto 1,500 – Charges 25
Above 1,500- Charges 50

RTGS (Auto)

Sr.No. Description Charges (Rs.)
1 Outward Rs.2 Lac to Rs.5 Lac - Rs.25/-
Above Rs.5 Lac - Rs.50/-
2 Inward NIL

NEFT (Auto)

Sr.No. Description Charges (Rs.)
1 Upto Rs.10000 Rs.5/-
2 From Rs.10000 to Rs.1 lac Rs.10/-
3 Above Rs.1 lac upto Rs.2 lac Rs.15/-
4 Above Rs.2 lac Rs.25/-

Locker Rent & Security Deposit

Sr.No. Description Charges (Rs.)
1 Locker Rent & Security Deposit Depending upon locker size. Charges schedule can be availed from any branch. – Schedule attached. First year 50% discount
A Delay in payment of Rent after 30 April Rs.50/- Per month
B Locker Operation charges 50 visit in Yearly Free
Above 50 visits per visit Rs.50/-
C Break Open of locker in case of loss of key Rs.500 + Actual charges

Cash counting Charges / Handling Charges (Excluding Saving Account)

Sr.No. Description Charges (Rs.)
1 Cash deposit above 50000 ( for CA/CC) Rs.2.50/- per thousand
Max Rs.200/-

ATM Card Charges

Sr.No. Description Charges (Rs.)
1 Duplicate ATM card issue Charges 100
2 Duplicate Pin mailer issue Charges Green PIN will be used
3 Yearly Operation Charges 100
4 Additional ATM card to joint A/c holder 100

ATM Transaction Fee (Auto)

Sr.No. Description Charges (Rs.)
1 On Us 05 free transactions
(inclusive of financial and non-financial transactions)

After 5 transactions charges for –
1. Financial Transactions - Rs. 25 per transaction
2. Non-Financial Transactions - Rs. 10 per transaction
2 Off-Us 03 transactions in Metro Centres / 05 transactions in Non-Metro Centres
(inclusive of financial and non-financial transactions)

After 5 transactions charges for –
1. Financial Transactions - Rs. 25 per transaction
2. Non-Financial Transactions - Rs. 10 per transaction
Metro Centres: Mumbai, New Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Bengaluru and Hyderabad.

Recovery Charges (Charges debited to loan Account)

Sr.No. Description Charges (Rs.)
1 Up to 10 K.M. If recovery clerks go on two wheeler – chargers will be debit to memorandum a/c as per 15 per K.M.
2 Above 10 K.M. If recovery team go in our banks four wheeler - chargers will be debit to memorandum a/c as per 50 per K.M.

Vehicle Charges

Sr.No. Description Charges (Rs.)
1 Issue of NOC to RTO 150
Seizing Charges
a. Light motor vehicle/two wheeler/three wheeler/four wheeler For two wheeler - 500 & For Four wheeler - 1000
b. Heavy vehicle 3000
c. Excavators & Cranes 5000 or actual outsourcing charges as approved

Inter branch Transaction Charges (Excluding Saving)

Sr.No. Description Charges (Rs.)
1 Cash /clearing Free

Assignment / Reassignment Charges

Sr.No. Description Charges (Rs.)
1 Assignment of NSC 150 + actual Post office charges
2 Encashment of NSC 150 + actual Post office charges
3 Reassignment of NSC NIL
4 Assignment / Encashment of LIC Policy 150/- per LIC branch + actual charges

Safe Custody Charges

Sr.No. Description Charges (Rs.)
a. Gold loan closed but pledged ornaments are not claimed within 10 working days (Earlier its 1 month) from date of closure ( after sending the notice to the loanee regarding the charges ) Rs. 500/- per month
b. Sale of pledged Gold ornaments by auction
Loans upto Rs.10,000/- 100
Above Rs.10,001/- upto Rs.1,00,000/- 500 + proportionate advertisement charges
Above Rs.1,00,001/- 1000 + proportionate advertisement charges


Sr.No. Description Charges (Rs.)
1 Transfer Share Certificate 5 Per Share Certificate ( Refer Bye Law)
2 Issue of any other certificate by Bank for the purpose other than for our Banks purpose ( Including verification of Signature ) 100 Per Certificate
3 Income Tax Certificate for interest on term deposit/savings account or Balance certificate NIL
4 Change in Nomination for Share Certificate 5 Per Change ( Refer Bye Law)
5 Where balance is insufficient to carry out Standing Instruction 50 Per transaction, if the instruction is towards the loan EMI
6 Attestation of Photograph 50 for photograph
7 Charges for giving copies of documents 10 Per page Minimum 50
8 Enquiry relating to Old records 150 per item for records more than 12 months old (As per Law)

100 per item for records less than 12 months old
9 SMS Charges ( w.e.f. 05.02.2025 ) Rs.0.15 per SMS + GST (on Quarterly Basis rounded off to Nearest One Rupee) For All Accounts (with Registered Mobile No)

Immediate Credit of local / outstation cheques/instruments

Sr.No. Description Charges (Rs.)
1 Immediate Credit of local / outstation cheques/ instruments Rs. 250/- will be charged on each such case as a flat fee over and above the normal collection charges.

Note :-

1 As far as possible charges to be collected by debiting to party’s / customer’s account
a. Supply of loan application forms
b. Locker rent / delay charges
c. Actual postage & travelling cost wherever applicable
3 While debit charges, account should not reflect debit balance (SB/CA). Charges to be recovered when account came in credit.
4 All the Services mentioned above should be charge with GST Extra. (Wherever it is applicable)
5. Powers for Waiver of Charges –
Upto 25% charges waiver – CEO
2. Above 25% charges waiver – Hon. BOD